An Extensive Range of Expertise in UAVs with Full Management of Your Drone Fleet

A smart and unifying platform for managing your drones at all times is a fundamental tool for all operations. Our mission manager puts in your hands the ability to:

  • Control your fleet continuously from anywhere.
  • Smart planning of flight paths.
  • Train your fleet for object recognition and alarm triggering.
  • Schedule patrols at set time intervals.
  • Quickly review archived video footage.
  • Broadcast live video feeds to multiple sources.
  • Assign tiered privileges for role management.
  • Internal messaging.

Take Charge and Develop Your Program
from A to Z

Manage flight commanders, Equipment, and Your Data to a high Degree.

  • Enforce safety protocols and operating procedures with If/Then pre-flight checklists.
  • Record and assess pilot performance with each flight.
  • Manage all drones in active use or in rotation, including flight history, system warnings, and battery health.

Leverage the Insight you Acquired from your Fleet to Support and Grow Your Program.

  • Review your drone program in one comprehensive report accessible from anywhere.
  • Back your activities and support your responses to queries or disputes with data and facts.
  • Provide hard figures and statistics to executives or stakeholders.
  • Stay in compliance with government and existing regulations.